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California State Summative Assessments
Parent and Guardian Score Report Letter
Dear Parent or Guardian:
Each year, students in grades three through eight participate in the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress.
Depending on their grade level your child will take or has taken the following test(s).
• Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments for English language arts/literacy (ELA) and mathematics in grades three through eight and grade eleven
• California Science Test (CAST) in grades five and eight and once in high school
Each year, K-8 students identified as English Learners participate in the English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC). This test is part of the California assessment system. The ELPAC helps teachers across the state see how well students listen, speak, read, and write in English.
Student Score Reports can now be accessed electronically through the parent portal on our student information system.
Log into the Parent Portal of PowerSchool from a Web Browser.
(you can not use the PowerSchool App to access these reports)
1. From the menu on the left column select “Score Reports”
2. From the “Assessment” drop down menu select “All” or a specific assessment
3. From the “Year” drop down menu on the right, select the current
4. Click the Get Report button
5. Select the “View” link next to your student’s assessment report
The CAASPP report shows scores for ELA and mathematics. It includes an overall score for each subject and information about how well your student did in different areas. Students in grades four through eight who took the test in previous years will also see past scores so you can see your student’s progress over time.
To learn more about CAASPP scores, go to the new parent web page called Starting Smarter, available at
https://ca.startingsmarter.org/ .
The ELPAC report shows an overall score and performance level, an oral language (speaking, listening) score level, and a written language (reading, writing) score and level. It also shows a performance level for each domain: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
To learn more about your ELPAC scores, go to the new parent web page called Starting Smarter, available at
Assessment is one component used to determine the academic goals of students. If you have any questions regarding your student's results on the CAASPP assessment, please bring those to the attention of his/her teacher at the start of school in August. Also, note students that participated in the CAST will receive results in the late fall.
For other support needed with PowerSchool login information, or accessing the report please call the school.
Cindee Rael
Coordinator of Curriculum & Instruction