Award Winning Author Visit
Kevin Janison
Tuesday, March 25th

Author Kevin Janison, from Channel 3 in Las Vegas, will present to Akers students. Students will hear a storytelling and experience a journey through the publishing process. Books are available for $16.95.
Books Pre-order Form
This website has been selected as one of the Net's finest informative sites by StudyWeb.
As an extension of the classroom, the automated library media center boasts over 19,000 books, listening sets, videos, computer programs, and laser discs for teachers to use in their classrooms.
The purpose of the library media center is to assist students in the development of the skills necessary for independent lifelong learning. Emphasis is placed on the appreciation and enjoyment of literature and the motivation of reading for pleasure as well as for information.
Library Hours:
The library is open to students from 7:45 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. All K-5 classes are scheduled to visit the library on a regular basis with their teacher. Students in grades 6-8 visit the library with their teacher on a needs basis. All students have access to the library before, during, and after school. Students also use the library during the lunch break.
Checking out books:
All students may check-out books for a two-week loan period, an extended due date is given when the book is needed for a book report or other class assignment. Reference materials are checked-out for overnight use and are returned to the library at the beginning of the following school day. Students are responsible for paying for damaged and lost books.
Reading Incentives:
Taking part in the Reading Across America Program, Battle of the Books, School Book Clubs, and inspiring our students with visits from authors each year.
Accelerated Reader
All students may use the Accelerated Reader program, which is a computer based reading assessment program using a selection of books. The classroom teacher monitors student progress.
Funding for library materials are local money, book fairs, Title VI, AB862, and Friends of the Library. We host two book fairs per year using Scholastic books, Title VI and AB862 funds vary from year to year and are provided by the government.
Library Staffing:
Staffing for the library is limited to one full-time library clerk and volunteers.
Library of Congress
The Library serves as the research arm of Congress and is recognized as the national library of the United States. Its collections comprise the world's most comprehensive record of human creativity and knowledge. Open to those above high school age without charge or special permission, it is the world's largest library and a great resource to scholars and researchers.
Kings County Library
Located in the heart of California's San Joaquin Valley, the Kings County Library is an intellectual, educational, cultural and recreational resource for all of the citizens of Kings County. The Library is operated by Kings County and is funded by a county-wide special revenue fund. The Kings County Library has six branches located in the communities of Avenal, Corcoran, Hanford, Kettleman City, Lemoore, and Stratford. The Kings County Library is a member of the San Joaquin Valley Library System, a cooperative network of nine public library jurisdictions in six counties of California's central valley.
California School Library Association
Professional association for school library personnel in California. This web site provides up-to-date information concerning library programs in California.
California Department of Education School Libraries in California
Diane Eastin's Goal For Library Books
"At the heart of the School Library Act is acknowledgment of the critical need for more and better books for students to read as an integral part of the California Reading Initiative. It is the goal of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to bring California's school library book count up to 20 up-to-date, relevant, enticing books per student."
American Library Association
The American Library Association provides leadership for the development, promotion, and improvement of library and information services and the profession of librarianship in order to enhance learning and ensure access to information for all.
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Children's Literature Web Guide
Children's Literature Web Guide
The Children's Literature Web Guide is an attempt to gather together and categorize the growing number of Internet resources related to books for Children and Young Adults. Much of the information you can find through these pages is provided by others: fans, schools, libraries, and commercial enterprises involved in the book world.
Dewey Decimal System
Do the Dewey
An interactive Dewey program that tests your knowledge of the Dewey Decimal Classification. From the homepage of Thrall Library in Middletown, New York.
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Search Engines for Children
Berits Best Sites for Children
Web search for children by librarians
Thinkquest 2000 (Student created websites)
Library Spot
An excellent website to perform information searches.
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Book Awards
Randolph Caldecott Medal Home Page
Sponsored by the American Library Association and the Association for Library Service to children. This medal is awarded annually to the illustrator of a picture book. This picture book must be for children, the illustrator must be a citizen or resident of the United States.
John Newbery Medal Home Page
Sponsored by the American Library Association and the Association for Library Service to children. This medal is awarded annually to the author of a book written for children. This book is recognized as the most distinguished contribution to American literature. The author must be a citizen or resident of the United States.
Coretta Scott King Award
The Coretta Scott King Award is presented annually by the Coretta Scott King Task Force of the American Library Association's Social Responsibilities Round Table. Recipients are authors and illustrators of African descent whose books promote an understanding and appreciation of the "American Dream." This Award commemorates the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and honors his widow, Coretta Scott King, for her courage and determination in continuing the work for peach and world brotherhood.
California Young Reader Medal
The California Young Reader Medal program gives young readers in the state of California the opportunity to honor their favorite books and authors, recommend them to others, and enjoy recreational reading.
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Favorite Authors of Akers Students
Avi's Home Page
Nothing But the Truth
The True Confessions of Chalotte Doyle
Beyond the Western Sea, Book 1
Beyond the Western Sea, Book 2
Judy Blume's Home Page
The One in the Middle is the Green Kangaroo,
Freckle Juice
Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing
The Pain and the Great One
Jan Brett's Home Page
The Mitten
The Wild Christmas Reindeer
The First Dog
Armadillo Rodeo
Trouble with Tolls
Eric Carle's Home Page
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
The Very Busy Spider
A House for Hermit Crab
The Very Quiet Cricket
Little cloud
Lewis Carroll's Home Page
The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland Collection
Beverly Cleary's Home Page
Ramona and Her Mother
The Mouse and the Motorcycle
Muggie Maggie
Henry and Beezus
Vickie Cobb's Home Page
Bet You Can
Science Experiments You Can Eat
This Place is Wet
Why Can't You Unscramble an Egg?
Why Doesn't the Sun Burn Out?
Tomie dePaola's Home Page
26 Fairmount Avenue (Newbery Honor)
Nana Upstairs & Nana Downstairs
Big Anthony
Bill and Pete to the Rescue
Strega Nona
Leo and Diane Dillion
Illustrators of Books:
Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears
The People Could Fly
I Have a Dream
Ashanti to Zulu : African Traditions
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Magician's Nephew/The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe/The Horse and His Boy/Prince Caspian/Voyage of the Dawn Treader/The Silver Chair/The Last Battle.
Mem Fox's Home Page (Allow the page to load, it is worth the wait.)
Koala Lou
Possum Magic
Hattie and the Fox
Wilfred Gordon McDonald Partridge
Time for Bed
Jean Craighead George's Home Page
Julie and the Wolves (Newbery Medal)
My Side of the Mountain (Newbery Honor)
Julie's Wolf Pack
Dan Gutman's Home Page
Babe and Me
The Kid Who Became President
Jackie and Me
Honus and Me (Read Dan's rejection letters from the publishers)
The shortstop who knew too much
Virginia Hamilton's Home Page
The People Could Fly
M.C. Higgins the Great (Newbery Medal)
Sweet Whispers, Brother Rush
Brian Jacques' Home Page
The Great Redwall Feast
The Outcast of Redwall
Pearls of Lutra
Ezra Jack Keats' Home Page
The Snowy Day
Peter's Chair
Whistle for Willie
Hi Cat
Kathryn Lasky's Home Page
Dreams in the Golden Country (Dear America)
A Journey to the New World (Dear America)
The Bone Wars
Lunch Bunnies
Edward Lear's Home Page
Lear Alphabet ABC
A Book of Nonsense
The Quangle Wangle's Hat
Nonsense Songs
The Owl and the Pussy Cat
Allen Say's Home Page
Emma's Rug
Grandfather's Journey
Tree of Cranes
The Bicycle Man
How My Parents Learned to Eat
Seymour Simon's Home Page
Our Solar System
Paper Airplane Book
The Optical iIlusion Book
Zippha Keatley Snyder's Home Page
The Egypt Game (Newbery Honor)
The Witches of Worm (Newbery Honor)
The Headless Cupid (Newbery Honor)
Gib Rides Home
Jerry Spinelli's Home Page
Maniac Magee
The Library Card
There's a Girl in my Hammerlock
R.L. Stine's Home Page
Goosebumps (Series)
Fear Street (Series)
Don and Audrey Wood's Home Page
King Bidgood in the Bathtub
Elbert's Bad Word
Silly Sally